Thursday, June 5, 2008

2008 70.3 Half Ironman Race

Well I just completed my second 70.3 Ironman race in Kona on the Big Island of Hawaii.

Here is alink to the Race website.

A 70.3 distance race means it is exactly a 1/2 Ironman race. Or to put it another way we started with 1.2 open ocean swim. Followed by a 56 mile bike ride which climbs to an elevation of about 4500 feet (pure guess frankly - didn't pay attention to the signs) at it's highest point. Then we wrap it up with a 13.1 mile run. This year I completed the race in 6 hours & 24 minutes. I was able to shave ten minutes off of last year time of 6 hours & 34 minutes. Unfortunately I was hoping to shave about 20 minutes more off of last years time so I'm a little disappointed. Next year I'll do better!

Why do I do this you ask! It relaxes me believe it or not. Being ADHD this type of training and event helps to keep me focused and relaxed. At least for the most part! :) My other excuse is it's self inflicted rehab! (Joking) My training started this past January with the race at the end of May. The weekends are so intense it keeps me home at night versus out partying with my friends! Which I do miss but can't do continually.

Anyway, I have one more short Triathlon to do in July called the Tinman. It's a much shorter race that I don't have to train so hard for. Other than that I have a few open ocean swim races that are between 1.4 to 2.4 miles.

Here are some pictures from the race taken by a lot of different people in addition to some pictures from a training we did last March. Check back often as friends pass on thier photos which I upload.

Here is a link to a few of me only taken by Professional photographers at the event.

Thanks for reading this and if you have any questions please email me. (


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